In the field of electrical network planning and electrical plant construction, our experienced employees can support your specialists and take the pressure off them in a variety of ways:
Monitoring systems help operators with their decision making. For this purpose, the information generated from the measured electrical parameters and essential process data is presented intuitively and comprehensibly in a graphical format. On request, recommended action for possible scenarios can be elaborated and displayed if required.
Both the recorded electrical parameters and process data as well as the commands issued with the aid of the monitoring system are stored in a database.
We offer a two-level system in this respect:
Despite a low diversity factor, supplying electricity to a large number of powerful consumers from a single source may lead to undesirable voltage drops and thus to malfunctions and temporary production downtime.
The power limitation system monitors the operational requirements of relevant large consumers. Depending on the currently available electrical energy, voltage quality and technological priority of individual consumers, our power limitation system optimises the simultaneous possible operation of technologically independent large consumers and issues the operating permit.
The power limitation system can be ideally combined with our active LV compensation system. This system increases the electrical energy currently available, since reactive power and voltage dips are compensated for in a highly dynamic manner. Our power limitation system takes account of this effect during optimisation.
Our production and testing systems are designed especially for your needs. Your specialists are integrated into this process. We only start to build the system after we have drawn up a specification and you have confirmed it.
Examples of customised systems developed and built by us:
500/600 Hz testing system:
Inductive electrical equipment and assemblies (e.g. coils or windings) are ideally tested at frequencies greater than 50 Hz. That is why we have developed a system that feeds a sinusoidal current (distortion factor < 3%) with variable voltage up to 2500 V and variable frequencies up to 600 Hz for ohmic-inductive specimens. Depending on the execution performance, the test voltage is provided centrally on the IGBT inverter or decentralised socket combinations. The test specimen connection, the system activation and the recording and storage of measured values are carried out decentrally by means of a measuring trolley.
Magnetising system:
Permanent magnets are required in motor and generator engineering. The “Weiss domains” (dipoles) of the ferromagnetic material must be rectified in order to produce these. For this purpose, a cable is “wrapped” around the component to be magnetised (e.g. in the grooves of an exciter rotor) according to a pattern that depends on the required polarity.
Our magnetising system with an energy requirement of only 6 kVA on the mains side generates a DC pulse of maximum 6000 A with a maximum DC open-circuit voltage of 1200 V through the cable in order to achieve the necessary alignment of the dipoles. The magnetisations can take place every 10 minutes. Operation is via a touch panel.